How to start a local campaign: For a downloadable version to save, Click Here
Research The Facility
- Get Facility Information
- Address
- When it opened
- Who owns it
- Contact information (emails, phone numbers, social media)
Inventory of Dolphins from Ceta Base
- Go to the facility and take lots of photos
- Try to distinguish each dolphin and where they are placed in the tank
- Get pictures of any questionable situations.
- Look out for aggression, neurotic behaviors like waiting at the gates, chewing gates, skin conditions, teeth conditions, rake marks..
- Watermark your photographs
- Get familiar with the Animal Welfare Act. The regulations can be found here and most of the relevant information can be found in “PART 3—STANDARDS,” Subparts A (general regulations) and E (marine mammal-specific regulations).
- Go to the county permits office and take snapshots of the blueprints of the tanks.
- Calculate the dimensions of the tanks and check if the facility is in compliance.
- If anything is in question, file a complaint to the USDA (Example Here)
Start Up The Campaign
- Create a Facebook Page/Twitter for your campaign (Example Here)
- Be Careful to post only factual information
- Post daily at the minimum
- Utilize automatic Post feature but keep posts to once every 3 hours
- Be sure to respond to questions and messages
- Create a Petition asking the facility owners to retire the dolphins to a seaside sanctuary Petition Example Here
- Create a Facility Information Brochure (Example Here)
- Create a letter to the facility and post on Scribd for easy link access (Example Here)
- Share campaign page, petition and letter on social media outlets with correct contact information
Network With Local Animal Welfare Groups
- Find all animal welfare groups in your community and build relationships with key organizers.
- Circus Protesters, Vegan/Vegi Groups/Animal Rescue/Political Groups that help animals
- Attend their events
- Spread awareness of your group
- Offer to help them-they will be more inclined to return the favor when needed
Plan A Protest
- Research First Amendment Laws in your state/city
- Some cities require permits, so research and apply for the permits at least 30 days from the event
- Create a Facebook Event Page (Example Here)
- Expect about half of the RSVP’s to actually attend the event
- Create a Flyer (Example Here)
- Print out 100
- Share the flyer and event page to social media outlets
- Share flyer and event page with local animal welfare groups
- Post flyers at College/University campuses
- Check with School about getting the flyers pre-approved to post on campus
- Print 300 Color Brochures to hand out at the rally
- Print out 200 or so letters to the facility get signed at the rally
- Bring a clipboard with a sign in sheet for attendees to sign in with email address for future events
- Get whistles or any other noise makers to call attention to the rally
- Plan a Poster Making Party a few weeks before the rally
How to Prepare a Press Release
- Use this example for a Press Release
- Keep it to one page
- Who, What, When, Where and Why
- Send to local TV/Radio/Newspaper Media 5 days before the event
Side Notes
- Don’t expect immediate support-it takes time to get a dependable group of people together for events and help.
- Plan a Protest once a quarter (around important facility dates ie. Opening Year, Dolphin Birthdays/Deaths)
- Continue to document at the facility and share with social media
- Once you have gained consistent local support, create additional web presence
- Website using WordPress is the most economical and user friendly (Example Here)
- Create automated Tweets to Media, Local Celebrities and anyone else you want to target your campaign to.
- Use social media to your advantage. Create accounts on Twitter, Instagram, Tumblr, Flickr, and YouTube.