Month: January 2015

Dolphin Pox Virus Disappearing After 4+ Years

Maverick, December 2012
Maverick, December 2012

The outbreak of the dolphin pox virus at the Mirage Hotel and Casino in Las Vegas that began more than four years ago may be finally coming to a close.

The disease is said to have gotten its start when Cosmo, the male dolphin born at SeaWorld Orlando, was transferred to the Mirage on March 28th 2010. He stayed at the habitat in the desert until December 6th 2013, when he was shipped to San Diego, and eventually to one of the many dolphin prisons in Florida.

Maverick, August 2014
Maverick, August 2014

When a Mirage trainer was questioned about Maverick’s condition earlier this month, she responded saying that once Cosmo arrived in San Diego with warmer waters, his virus began to clear up so they applied the same techniques here (Which would mean that the poxvirus should be gone at Seaworld San Diego and Seaworld Orlando…)She also said the Mirage habitat water is currently reading at about 78F.

Funny that such a simple solution took more than four years for the vet staff in charge of the dolphins at Mirage (and even longer for the dolphins at Seaworld) to come up with and apply. With our limited resources here at MojaveDolphins.Com, we were able to come to the conclusion that water temperature and salinity were the major factors that needed to be looked into.

Maverick, January 2015
Maverick, January 2015

The Mirage dolphin habitat was inspected by the government not one, not two, but FIVE times last year. Why is it that the government saw nothing wrong with visually ill dolphins swimming around in tanks with chipped paint and no protection from the harsh environment that is the Mojave desert?

The waves are finally starting to roll in the last two years. We have seen an explosion of people joining the fight for cetacean rights. Movies like “The Cove” and “Blackfish” are causing people to see that these sentient mammals deserve our respect.

Maverick, and all other dolphins in captivity around the globe, may look happier to the naked eye because they are not covered in lesions, but remember to tell your family and friends that this is not the case. The dolphins at the Mirage do not deserve to live the remainder of their life in a concrete swimming pool in the middle of the desert.


#OccupyMirageVolcano tweetsheet

On Saturday January 17th, Las Vegas animal rights activists will descend upon the Las Vegas strip to occupy the space in front of the exploding Mirage volcano. This is a very popular photo spot for the tourists. Every night starting at 5pm, the volcano erupts on the hour and half hour. During our two hour protest, the volcano will erupt with fire and loud noise 5 times. Tourists will be fixated on our protest spot trying to catch a glimpse of the volcano. In the process, they will forced to read our messages. This was proven to be an effective protest method in January. Our main goal is to cover as much space along the volcano as possible. Spread out!

For our dolphin friends who do not live close enough to travel to our protests, we ask that you spend the two hours (or whatever time you can allocate, whenever) tweeting to the Mirage Hotel and Casino. We have made up a tweet sheet, but as always, you can send your own messages. Feel free to grab images from our social media accounts. Stay polite and factual.

  • Las Vegas Protest: #OccupyMirageVolcano @TheMirageLV 1/17 5-7pm. Sister event 2 #MiracleMarch4Lolita. #MOJAVEDOLPHINS (Tweet This!)


  • #MojaveDolphins @TheMirageLV suffer w/ #poxvirus aka #dolphinpox. #OccupyMirageVolcano for Cetacean Rights. (Tweet This!)


  • #MojaveDolphins will #OccupyMirageVolcano until @TheMirageLV provides shade for dolphins in intense 110F+ summers. (Tweet This!)


  • Nobody wants to support business with sick #MojaveDolphins on display for profit, @TheMirageLV. #OccupyMirageVolcano (Tweet This!)


  • After 24 yrs, it’s time for @TheMirageLV to reinvent themselves without live animals. #OccupyMirageVolcano. (Tweet This!)


  • Not 2 late 4 @TheMirageLV 2 Be Rehab/Release Facility! @RichardOBarry #MojaveDolphins #OccupyMirageVolcano (Tweet This!)


  • It is unethical to be breeding #mojavedolphins in the middle of the harsh desert, @TheMirageLV #OccupyMirageVolcano (Tweet This!)


  • Myself & Everyone I know will be boycotting @TheMirageLV until they cease the breeding program & provide shade. #OccupyMirageVolcano (Tweet This!)


  • #MojaveDolphins are forced to swim in small repetitive circles @TheMirageLV. This is torture. #OccupyMirageVolcano (Tweet This!)


  • Don’t become captivated by #MojaveDolphins @TheMirageLV. There is no beauty in stolen freedom. #OccupyMirageVolcano (Tweet This!)


  • Not stopping battle @RichardOBarry started 24 years ago. We’ll #OccupyMirageVolcano for cetacean rights. @TheMirageLV (Tweet This!)


  • Kids are our future, and they know right from wrong. You should listen to them, @TheMirageLV. #OccupyMirageVolcano (Tweet This!)


  • We stand strong outside @TheMirageLV, #OccupyMirageVolcano. #MojaveDolphins are being used as slaves. Do not support. (Tweet This!)


  • The company @MGMResortsIntl refuses to provide shade for #MojaveDolphins @TheMirageLV #OccupyMirageVolcano. Boycott. (Tweet This!)


  • Why can’t @MGMResortsIntl afford for @TheMirageLV to fix the peeling paint in #DolphinDeathPool? #OccupyMirageVolcano (Tweet This!)


  • Why does @MGMResortsIntl provide misters for ppl @TheMirageLV but no shade 4 WORKING animals? #OccupyMirageVolcano (Tweet This!)


  • The @MGMResortsIntl allows @TheMirageLV to house incompatible dolphins for profit. #OccupyMirageVolcano. 🙁 dislike (Tweet This!)
  • Protesters outside @MGMResortsIntl @TheMirageLV in Las Vegas on the strip #OccupyMirageVolcano #MojaveDolphins (Tweet This!)
  • #CallToAction: No More #MojaveDolphins Swimming in Las Vegas. 80,000 Voices & Counting! (Tweet This!
  • #CallToAction: Say NO to Yoga @TheMirageLV with #MojaveDolphins Yoga=NonHarming&Compassion! (Tweet This!) 


  • #CallToAction: @ClarkCountySch Stop Sending Kids to @TheMirageLV Habitat #MojaveDolphins (Tweet This!)


  • #CallToAction: @USDA_APHIS Investigate @TheMirageLV & Enforce AWA 3.103(b) @FinsandFluke (Tweet This!) 


  • #CallToAction: @MGMResortsIntl Don’t Open #StingrayCove @TheMirageLV! #MojaveDolphins (Tweet This!)


  • #Call To Action: @MGMResortsINTL Retire #MojaveDolphins To Ocean Sanctuary! @TheMirageLV (Tweet This!) 


  • #CallToAction: #MojaveDolphins Petition List! Lend Your Voice Against @TheMirageLV (Tweet This!)

Miracle March for Lolita

On January 17th, cetacean rights activists from around the world will descend on the Historic Virginia Key Beach Park near Miami Seaquarium beginning at 8am EST. The crowd is coming together to show Miami Seaquarium how many people are pushing for Lolita’s release from the captive slave park. The event includes vendors selling merchandise which help support the movement globally, key speakers like Howard Garrett, Jane Velez Mitchell, and Dr. Naomi Rose plus a silent march beginning at 10am sharp. The march will walk around the south side of the Rickenbacker Causeway. To get all of the information about the event and the itinerary for the day, visit the event page: Miracle March For Lolita

alinaSWho is Lolita and why all of the fuss? Lolita (also named Tokitae) is rumored to be from the L-Pod of the endangered Southern Resident orcas with L-25 Ocean Sun as her mother. Lolita was captured from Penn Cove, Washington on August 8th 1970 along with 80 other orca. The orca were spotted by plane, boats raced in circles, and bombs were even set off. The group split up, trying to get away. One group was initially captured, and the second group came to their location later. 8 of these orca were sold to marine parks around the world. C5These orca became known as Lil Nooka, Ramu 4, Wally, Clovis, Chappy, Jumbo, Winston (Aka Ramu) and of course, Lolita- the lone survivor to this day. Other orca faced an even worse fate- 5 of the killer whales drowned during the stressful capture. 4 of those 5 were young babies who tried to charge at their mothers on the other side of the gate. Ted Griffin and Don Goldsberry tried to cover this up by filling the babies stomachs with rocks and anchors, sinking them out in the ocean. 3 of the babies washed up on shore, causing an outrage with the citizens. SeaWorld was taken to court and had to agree to never capture orca in Washington state ever again. Witnesses to this capture say the whales were making noises they will never forget- screaming out to one another in distress.

bothLolita was purchased by the Miami Seaquarium to be a tank mate for their other orca captured in the same location a few years prior named Hugo. Miami Seaquarium was even nice enough (catch my sarcasm, please) to build a larger tank for the two of them so they would not have to share Hugo’s current vomit-inducing small tank known as the “Celebrity Pool“.   This pool is currently used to house manatees. The new pool is appropriately named the “Whale Bowl“. This new tank is only 35x80x20 ft, and deemed illegal according to standards set in the Animal Welfare Act. cleanbothLolita was placed in the Whale Bowl as soon as she arrived, but Hugo had to stay isolated from her due to fear that they would fight. The two of them were constantly vocalizing to each other. No one knew at the time that these two orca were most likely from the same pod. Eventually they were put together, performing in numerous shows and even mating a few times (with no successful pregnancies) before Hugo killed himself by bashing his head against the side of his tank one too many times. His body was then taken from the park and placed into the Dade County Dump.

Lolita has shown signs of aggression. Her and Hugo attacked trainer Chip Kirk in the 1970s. Hugo left a scar on his arm, and the two of them ripped up his wetsuit. Hugo also would show aggression towards the trainers during performances. Eventually MSQ did not want to work with him anymore and were training Lolita to be used as his replacement.

Lolita has continued to perform in shows for over 40 years. That means that the Miami Seaquarium has made over $160million USD from her. Don’t you think she deserves to go home? She belongs to the most studied group of orca on the planet, the Southern Residents. Lolita is the only Southern Resident currently in captivity. There is an extremely detailed retirement/release plan set up for her if Miami Seaquarium would ever give her the chance to thrive in the world she belongs in.


PrisonThe Miami Seaquarium (or Seaprison, your choice) opened it’s doors on September 24th 1955, making this the oldest marine park in the United States. That is no excuse for their poorly thought out idea of an orca tank. Over 500,000 people visit this park annually, lining the pockets of the owners with money every day. This park is so greedy they even applied for a permit to recapture Keiko from the wild to be a mate for Lolita!

deathWhen the Miami Seaquarium first opened, they were the largest sea park in the entire world. They gained much popularity when the TV show Flipper & 2 movies were filmed at the Seaquarium. Ric O’Barry was a trainer and stunt double for the franchise. After he watched the star dolphin Kathy die from what he believed to be a suicide, he vowed to become a cetacean rights activist.

The Miami Seaquarium has had more cetacean deaths than I can count, both wild and captive born. Included in that list are sperm whales, a beaked whale, and 7 other pacific white sided dolphins.

Miami Seaquarium has promised on several occasions to build Lolita a new tank, but they have never came through.

Lolita is perhaps the only orca in North America that has a chance at survival outside of her tank. She has performed for us for over 44 years. We must continue to fight for her freedom, her chance to rejoin her family (whos calls she has responded to in the past). Join the movement, Retire Lolita, Free Tokitae!
