Las Vegas Action Against the AETA

Las Vegas Action Against the AETA

aeta2Next weekend is National Weekend of Action Against the AETA. AETA stands for Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act, a federal law that prohibits any person from engaging in certain conduct “for the purpose of damaging or interfering with the operations of an animal enterprise”. This is a law that does not differentiate between constitutional protests and actual criminal acts. It forces you to be silent about animal abuse in fear of being charged with “terrorism”. The people who support this act are the fur industry, the cattle industry, and every other industry that would want to see animal rights activists taken out of the picture.

In support of raising awareness against this law, Sunset Activist Collective in Las Vegas has arranged for a demonstration in front of the Federal Building in Downtown Las Vegas on Sept 5, 6, and 7 from 3pm to 5pm. You are encouraged to wear all black and a black bandanna or mask if you’ve got it!  Literature and banners will be present, and feel free to bring signs, stencils and posters if you’d like! Bring instruments (or pots and pans, etc.) 

This is a law that could have an effect on us all if we do not know how to play this game correctly. MojaveDolphins encourages you to get involved in your local events this weekend and learn more about what is happening, and could happen to you!

in actuality, the language of the AETA covers many First Amendment activities, such as picketing, boycotts and undercover investigations if they “interfere” with an animal enterprise by causing a loss of profits. So in effect, The AETA silences the peaceful and lawful protest activities of animal and environmental advocates. (Source)


In other words, those “who conscientiously believe that it is their duty to peacefully
protest” through civil disobedience could be labeled terrorists. But only if they intended
to make a difference. (Source)


Join the Las Vegas Action Against the AETA event page for more information!


Oppose the Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act in Las Vegas | Cop Block

September 4, 2014 at 7:01 pm

[…] Originally posted at […]

Oppose the Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act in Las Vegas – Wide Awake America

September 4, 2014 at 2:26 pm

[…] Originally posted at […]

Oppose the Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act Sept. 5th-7th | Nevada Cop Block

September 4, 2014 at 12:15 pm

[…] Originally posted at […]

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