Category Archives: protests & events

Call to Action: Vegas Media This Week!

This is a very big week for us here at Mojave Dolphins. On Thursday, we are screening the Academy Award winning documentary “The Cove” for free, and the following night we have a giant protest outside of the Mirage. Both of these events will be attended by none other than Ric O’Barry himself. This is a chance to interview the man who many credit as starting the cetacean rights movement. Ric O’Barry protested the Mirage in the 90’s, and has information about this facility. We feel local media should be covering this event. We have not gotten any media attention from FOX 58 NEWS NOW, or the Las Vegas Weekly.

We have already sent out a press release to ALL media (not just ones listed here) but would appreciate the extra help in getting the attention of these three news stations and their anchors. You may use the tweets below to promote the events happening this week, or click here for previous tweet sheets about the conditions at the habitat

Fox 5 News

  • @Fox5Vegas

.@Fox5Vegas #MojaveDolphins cordially invite U 2 #TheCove 10/2 &protest 10/3 @RichardOBarry will be at both! (Tweet This!)

.@VegasAnchor #MojaveDolphins cordially invite U 2 #TheCove 10/2 &protest 10/3 @RichardOBarry will be at both! (Tweet This!)

.@FeinbergFox5 #MojaveDolphins cordially invite U 2 #TheCove 10/2 &protest 10/3 @RichardOBarry will be at both! (Tweet This!)

.@OliviaFierro #MojaveDolphins cordially invite U 2 #TheCove 10/2 &protest 10/3 @RichardOBarry will be at both! (Tweet This!)

  • Monica Jackson (Fox5 Anchor) – @MonicaFox5 – Email

.@MonicaFox5 #MojaveDolphins cordially invite U 2 #TheCove 10/2 &protest 10/3 @RichardOBarry will be at both! (Tweet This!)

  • Jon Dabkovich (Fox5 Anchor)  – Email
  • Stefanie Jay (Fox5 Anchor) Facebook page – @StefanieJay – Email

.@StefanieJay, #MojaveDolphins cordially invite U 2 #TheCove 10/2 &protest 10/3 @RichardOBarry will be at both! (Tweet This!)

.@ElizabethWatts5, #MojaveDolphins cordially invite U 2 #TheCove 10/2 &protest 10/3 @RichardOBarry will be at both! (Tweet This!)

  • Jon Castagnino (Fox5 Reporter)  – @JonCastagnino – Email

.@JonCastagnino, #MojaveDolphins cordially invite U 2 #TheCove 10/2 &protest 10/3 @RichardOBarry will be at both! (Tweet This!)

  • Les Krifaton (Fox5 Reporter)  – @LVweatherguy – Email

.@LVWeatherGuy #MojaveDolphins cordially invite U 2 #TheCove 10/2 &protest 10/3 @RichardOBarry will be at both! This!)

  • Shannon Moore (Reporter)  – @ShannonMfox5 – Email

.@ShannonMFox5 #MojaveDolphins cordially invite U 2 #TheCove 10/2 &protest 10/3 @RichardOBarry will be at both! (Tweet This!)

  •  Rachel Moore (Reporter)  – @rachelann_moore – Email

.@Rachelann_Moore, #MojaveDolphins cordially invite U 2 #TheCove 10/2 &protest 10/3 @RichardOBarry will be at both! (Tweet This!)

  • Danielle Miller (Reporter) – Email
  • Maggie Krol (Reporter)  – @MaggieKrol – Email

.@MaggieKrol, #MojaveDolphins cordially invite U 2 #TheCove 10/2 &protest 10/3 @RichardOBarry will be at both! (Tweet This!)

.@LindsayCFox5, #MojaveDolphins cordially invite U 2 #TheCove 10/2 &protest 10/3 @RichardOBarry will be at both! (Tweet This!)

8 News Now

  • @8NewsNow

.@8NewsNow, #MojaveDolphins cordially invite U 2 #TheCove 10/2 &protest 10/3 @RichardOBarry will be at both!  (Tweet This!)

.@G_Knapp, #MojaveDolphins cordially invite U 2 #TheCove 10/2 &protest 10/3 @RichardOBarry will be at both!  (Tweet This!)

.@Gr8Anchor, #MojaveDolphins cordially invite U 2 #TheCove 10/2 &protest 10/3 @RichardOBarry will be at both! (Tweet This!)

.@DeniseValdez, #MojaveDolphins cordially invite U 2 #TheCove 10/2 &protest 10/3 @RichardOBarry will be at both!  (Tweet This!)

.@BrianLoftus8, #MojaveDolphins cordially invite U 2 #TheCove 10/2 &protest 10/3 @RichardOBarry will be at both!  (Tweet This!)

  • Kirsten Joyce (8NN Anchor)  – Email
  • Lauren Rozyla (Gen. Assignment Reporter) Facebook page – @LaurenRozyla – Email

.@LaurenRozyla, #MojaveDolphins cordially invite U 2 #TheCove 10/2 &protest 10/3 @RichardOBarry will be at both! (Tweet This!)

  • Aaron Drawhorn (Gen. Assignment Reporter) – @AaronDrawhorn – Email

.@AaronDrawhorn, #MojaveDolphins cordially invite U 2 #TheCove 10/2 &protest 10/3 @RichardOBarry will be at both! (Tweet This!)

.@SharieJohnson_, #MojaveDolphins cordially invite U 2 #TheCove 10/2 &protest 10/3 @RichardOBarry will be at both!  (Tweet This!)

.@Joe_Bartels, #MojaveDolphins cordially invite U 2 #TheCove 10/2 &protest 10/3 @RichardOBarry will be at both!  (Tweet This!)

  • Patranya Bhoolsuwan (Gen Assignment Reporter) Facebook page – @Patranya – Email

.@Patranya, #MojaveDolphins cordially invite U 2 #TheCove 10/2 &protest 10/3 @RichardOBarry will be at both!  (Tweet This!)

.@BBrennan8news, #MojaveDolphins cordially invite U 2 #TheCove 10/2 &protest 10/3 @RichardOBarry will be at both!  (Tweet This!)

  • Vanessa Murphy (Gen Assignment Reporter) Facebook page – @vanessa_murphy – Email

.@Vanessa_Murphy, #MojaveDolphins cordially invite U 2 #TheCove 10/2 &protest 10/3 @RichardOBarry will be at both!  (Tweet This!)

  • Scott Daniels (Gen Assignment Reporter) Facebook page – @scott_8newsnow – Email

.@Scott_8NewsNow, #MojaveDolphins cordially invite U 2 #TheCove 10/2 &protest 10/3 @RichardOBarry will be at both!  (Tweet This!)

.@DianeTuazon, #MojaveDolphins cordially invite U 2 #TheCove 10/2 &protest 10/3 @RichardOBarry will be at both!  (Tweet This!)

  • Karen Castro (Gen Assignment Reporter)  – @Karen8NewsNow – Email

.@Karen8NewsNow, #MojaveDolphins cordially invite U 2 #TheCove 10/2 &protest 10/3 @RichardOBarry will be at both!  (Tweet This!)

Other Media Outlets in Vegas

@LasVegasWeekly – popular las vegas weekly magazine

.@LasVegasWeekly, #MojaveDolphins cordially invite U 2 #TheCove 10/2 &protest 10/3 @RichardOBarry will be at both!  (Tweet This!)

Ric O’Barry is coming to Las Vegas!!!

ricccIn exactly one week, Ric O’Barry will be in Las Vegas at a screening of the documentary that exposed the world to the slaughter of dolphins in Japan- The Cove. It was just 5 months ago we reached out to him for help, and just yesterday our cause received promotion on national TV on the Jane Velez Mitchell show during the Ric O’Barry segment.

On October 2nd, we will be showing a screening of The Cove at the West Charleston Library. Doors open at 7pm, movie starts at 7:30. No tickets required; this is absolutely free! After the screening, Ric O’Barry will be available for a Q&A session. Start thinking of what you want to ask him! Dolphin Project will have a table set up with some swag for sale, so bring money if you want to buy anything. This screening is open to people of all ages. Some graphic content, view at your own discretion.

mb3benwhiteThe next night, Friday October 3rd, we will be meeting up for a protest outside of the Mirage Hotel and Casino on the Las Vegas Strip. We will be out there from 5-7pm. Signs and literature will be provided, but feel free to bring your own. We will collect them at the end for safe keeping and future events. We will be working hard to educate the public about the horrors that go on out back behind these casino walls. Ric O’Barry will be protesting right along side us. He protested the location back in the 90s, and is very excited to see the progress we have made this last year.

We are looking forward to seeing our dolphin friends from around the country at this event, and we hope to see a lot of new faces, too!


Who is Ric O’Barry?

He is a man who used to capture and train dolphins in the 60s. You may know him as the trainer of the “Flipper” tv show dolphins. After one of the dolphins died in his arms, something inside of him changed. He has devoted his entire life since to saving dolphins and educating the public about the horrors of captivity. He is the founder of the Dolphin Project. He has rescued and released over 25 captive dolphins in Haiti, Colombia, Guatemala, Nicaragua, Brazil, the Bahamas, and the United States. He is the author of 3 books, Behind the Dolphin Smile, To Free a Dolphin, and Die Bucht. In 2009, he was featured in the Academy Award winning documentary “The Cove” about the annual dolphin slaughter in Taiji, Japan.

World Animal Day Global March

marchh2On Saturday October 4th, animal rights activists from Las Vegas are gathering in front of the Mirage Hotel and Casino on the strip at 11am and then marching south to City Center and back to raise awareness for lions, elephants, and rhinos being poached daily. They request that all attendees try to wear red to stand out, and bring noise makers. There will be an official “After March Party” at Senor Frogs patio from 3-8pm where 15% of the parties proceeds will go back to DazzleAfrica.Org to prevent further poaching in South Luangwa, Zambia. Please follow their facebook event page for more information. If you will be in the area, please consider supporting them on the strip.

The protest in Las Vegas is only one of over 100 happening globally on World Animal Day. According to the official global website representing the march, more than 35,000 elephants are slaughtered every year for their ivory tusks, and a rhino is slaughtered every 9-11 hours for its horn.



Africa loses 4 elephants to poachers EVERY HOUR, EVERY DAY of the year. It is estimated that less than 300,000 survive today. Africa loses 3 rhinos to poachers EACH DAY; of the 5 species of rhino, less than 25,000 survive today.

With so few numbers left, and such a slow rate of reproduction, these two species are rapidly heading for extinction, unless we – ALL OF US – do something to ensure they survive.

These remarkable and highly intelligent animals are being cruelly slaughtered in the most inhumane ways, with poachers often hacking off their tusks or horns while they are still alive. The agony these helpless creatures endure, and – especially for elephants – the anguish for their surviving family members, is unimaginable. Elephants have close family bonds and rely on the elders of their group to lead and teach them; when these are killed, the herd is left devastated and shattered, and if babies lose their mother they often will not survive either.

The upsurge in the killing spree over the last 8 years has been driven by the demand for ivory and horn in Asian countries – China is the biggest consumer of ivory (70% of the world’s ivory ends up as trinkets for the Chinese middle class), and Vietnam is the main consumer of rhino horn.

The money made from the illicit trade in ivory and rhino horn supports terrorist organizations in Africa and fuels civil strife and instability. Wildlife crime is estimated at $20 billion per year. The problem has become a global one, as trans-national criminal networks and heavily armed poaching gangs coordinate the bloody chain – from killing the animals, to smuggling their body parts for export, to selling them in outlets all over the world.

Meanwhile the plains and forests of Africa and Asia grow silent and barren, devoid of their once abundant wildlife. –March for Elephants and Rhinos website

Catch us LIVE on Fins and Fluke Radio 9/18!

Our lovely friends at Fins and Fluke have invited us to be a part of their environmental radio program, Fins and Fluke Radio. We will be representing the Mojave Dolphins live on the air tomorrow, September 18th, at 5:30pm eastern, 2:30pm pacific. The radio program takes place online, so no matter where you are, you are able to listen in. Help us spread the global message that dolphins do not belong in the middle of the Mojave desert!




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Category : protests & events

2934On August 31st 2014, MojaveDolphins hosted the annual global protest- Japan Dolphin Day for the second year in a row. This is a peaceful event that is used to bring awareness on the slaughter of small cetaceans that goes on for several months beginning on September 1st in Taiji, Japan each year. The dolphins are driven from the ocean, into the infamous cove where two things can happen: The beautiful young ones are selected for captivity, while the others are slaughtered for their mercury contaminated meat. Most protests are held at the local Japanese embassies, while others take to dolphinariums and crowded public spaces.


group4We had around 40 protesters braving heat of over 100 degrees gathered outside of the Mirage. Several traveled from California, Utah and Arizona to spread awareness about the plight of our ocean friends. Our signs were colorful and drew the gaze of the drunk tourists passing by. We were able to get 70 letters to the World Association of Zoos and Aquariums (WAZA) signed, along with passing out over 200 informational leaflets. This was a big step up from last year, where we only had 12 people.

NEWSOur biggest accomplishment though was gaining the attention of not one, but TWO local news outlets. The Las Vegas Sun reporter was very excited to cover the Japan Dolphin Day story and wrote the article- “Demonstrators protest dolphin captivity at the Mirage“. They captured some great photographs of our team members in action. KTNV Action 13 News‘s Jacqui Heinrich responded to the tweets we have been sending and came down for a story about the Mirage. She produced “Protesters rally to improve care for Mirage dolphins with skin disease“. Her article was also ran on the television at 11pm that night, and several times the next day, with a ticker all day long across the bottom of the screen.This is the first time in many years that the Mirage dolphin habitat has been put on display in local media in a negative light. We are making waves in this small desert town. We must continue to put pressure on this place. Please comment on the news articles with a small thank you for covering the story if you have time.

9It wasn’t just our event that saw a jump in success, but the entire event was one of the most successful ever. The official numbers are 95 events in 39 different countries around the world. With over 15,000 participants, SJD is amazed at the level of creativity activists are having. So please, pat yourself on the back. Whether you were able to attend an event or not, this is happening because people like YOU are sharing the information. If there was not an event in your area this year, think about creating your own next year. All it takes is one person. Liberate, then Celebrate: A New Era for Dolphin Compassion.

To view all of the photos from our event this year, please visit our facebook album.

Las Vegas Action Against the AETA

aeta2Next weekend is National Weekend of Action Against the AETA. AETA stands for Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act, a federal law that prohibits any person from engaging in certain conduct “for the purpose of damaging or interfering with the operations of an animal enterprise”. This is a law that does not differentiate between constitutional protests and actual criminal acts. It forces you to be silent about animal abuse in fear of being charged with “terrorism”. The people who support this act are the fur industry, the cattle industry, and every other industry that would want to see animal rights activists taken out of the picture.

In support of raising awareness against this law, Sunset Activist Collective in Las Vegas has arranged for a demonstration in front of the Federal Building in Downtown Las Vegas on Sept 5, 6, and 7 from 3pm to 5pm. You are encouraged to wear all black and a black bandanna or mask if you’ve got it!  Literature and banners will be present, and feel free to bring signs, stencils and posters if you’d like! Bring instruments (or pots and pans, etc.) 

This is a law that could have an effect on us all if we do not know how to play this game correctly. MojaveDolphins encourages you to get involved in your local events this weekend and learn more about what is happening, and could happen to you!

in actuality, the language of the AETA covers many First Amendment activities, such as picketing, boycotts and undercover investigations if they “interfere” with an animal enterprise by causing a loss of profits. So in effect, The AETA silences the peaceful and lawful protest activities of animal and environmental advocates. (Source)


In other words, those “who conscientiously believe that it is their duty to peacefully
protest” through civil disobedience could be labeled terrorists. But only if they intended
to make a difference. (Source)


Join the Las Vegas Action Against the AETA event page for more information!